Announcing the release of my new book, "VIVID" which has gone live on Create Space! Both the paperback and the Kindle version can be purchased right now at these links; and My first book "Seasoned with Thyme" can also be purchased at the Amazon book store.

What the book is about...
Marianne Starr is a believer. She believes that her fate in matters of the heart lies in wishes and falling stars. She has made her share of them and based her hopes on moonbeams, and placed her trust in the cosmos. Because of her unsuccessful attempts at finding true love on her own, she has relied on the heavens for quite some time now; waiting for some unseen force to bring him into her life. But, Marianne is in for a very different kind of meeting. She will learn that one must be careful what one wishes for, and that you just never know what means will bring about the fulfilled wishes. She is faced with deciding what is reality and what is not because it all seems so VIVID.
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