Welcome to the official book launch party for my new book, "Not Easily Forgotten". I've always been a bit of a maverick, and I could say that is the reason why the launch is coming after the book is on sale, but the truth is; I simply forgot to pull my launch together in time. Forgive me! Either way, its here now, so come on in, mingle and look around. Eat your fill of the tasty treats we're offering and wash it all down with some bubbly and some wine. We hope that you like the pink balloons.
Assorted nuts are always good at a party. The pecans are glazed and the mix of salty and sweet is fabulous!
By now you're probably quite thirsty! Have a glass of perfectly chilled champagne or a wonderful glass of red wine.
Isn't it fabulous when the bubbles tickle your nose? I absolutely love that! Now that you've had a glass or two, I'd like to tell you something about my book. Here is a brief description of the premise, and why I'm so excited.
A young girl faces a very rude awakening into the real world outside of her cozy family nest when she wakes up one morning to discover her beloved Father has suddenly disappeared. Right away, there are no answers, or explanations. Her Mother is heartbroken and sick with worry and has no clue what to do next. A few days later, the truth begins to take shape for the family. A heartwarming, and emotional story about how this young girl faced the consequences of the truth, and how God's love and his mercy kept their family from being torn apart.
In my case, "Not Easily Forgotten" works double duty. First of all, it represents the fact that what happened to our family as it is told in the story was indeed hard to forget and to move past. The stigma remained with us for years.The second represents the essence of the man involved in the story...my Father. It was only years later after I had grown into an adult, that I was able to fully appreciate what he had gone through, but most importantly; the circumstances that set in motion what happened.
It is a story about healing, forgiveness, strong faith and unwavering love.
Just go online and make your purchase. You can click on this link, and it will speed you there in a blink!!
Here is a little something about me (the author). Wow...I'm an author!
Wiladene N. Keen is a dedicated believer in the power of imagination. Her own has served as fodder for two blog websites, two children's books, a plethora of short stories and articles. She writes her articles for her own column on 'Wikinut.com', takes part in submitting answers to a variety of questions on 'Answer.com', and has written a pilot script for reality television. Her current project includes writing her next book to be released Spring 2014, and a new website dedicated to blogging about her favorite places in Charlotte, NC.
And please; before you go, please take an extra moment to sign our guestbook. Your visit was valuable to us and we'd love to know who stopped by. Click on the guestbook icon at the top right side of this page, and you'll find yourself ready to sign!
Looks like we've covered everything. Thank you for being our guests and hopefully you had a good time!
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