Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Pursuit of a Dream

I was blessed to receive a very powerful message today, and it was one that I really needed to hear. It revved up my engines again, and revived my hope for my future as a writer and a published author, and I am sharing with you.You see, for the past couple of weeks, I was feeling undecided about my future in the literary world. I was disappointed that my book sales have been very slow, and perhaps I didn't have what it takes to make it as an author. Maybe the public didn't think my work was as great as I thought it was, and they simply didn't like my books.

Well, I continued to keep my blogs updated, but I have not written anything else on the new book I am currently working on in several weeks. I allowed a negative view of my future to hold me back, and if I had let my thought processes go unattended for any length of time, my current project would soon have become a thing of the past, and I would have never finished it.

The message I heard today was one of hope for the dream; yours and mine. About how we can unlock our potential and how we can succeed in the pursuit of our dreams. First of all, these dreams must be visionary in that they are blessed by God, and that we see ourselves focused and committed to the pursuit and eventual fulfillment of the dream. We cannot afford to permit disappointments, setbacks, doubts, fear or criticisms detour us from the path. That means we cannot allow the opinions and thoughts and words of others affect us negatively. They must not intrude on the genius that we have nurtured and cared for inside of us go to waste.

Our dreams and visions for our future must be tested and tried to validate the authenticity of them; the staying power of them. When this happens, we must knuckle down harder and ride it out rather than give up. Winners never quit and quitters never win!  Our dreams should be the driving force behind everything that we do. They are fed from and grow from our innermost thoughts and our passions. If we have dared to dream, and if we have begun to take the necessary steps to realize that dream, then it must be cared for and promoted in positive and reinforcing ways.

Dare to dream out loud, and dare to dream with gusto and with zeal! But always remember that you must keep focused and stay determined. Nobody else can do it for you, but everybody can keep you from it.

All my best!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

September SALE!!

Hello Writers and Readers of the Literary World!

I am pleased to announce that my book 'VIVID' has gotten a facelift; with a new cover design, and a new sale price!!

For the month of September, and in honor of my birthday, 'VIVID' is on sale at Create Space for $3.99. Buy it now by clicking on the Create Space link at the top of the page and get your sale copy with the really cool design NOW!!

And check out what's new on the Coming Attractions page using the tab at the top to see what is next on my  agenda.

Thanks so much for being loyal fans and remember to support an author and buy a book!

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Bookmark Hub Update

Well, I'm happy to report that I have gotten past my temporary writing setback. For a while there I was finding it pretty hard to concentrate on writing and I just left it all alone for a few days. I did keep up my weekly post on True Confessions (which is doing quite well by the way) and on The Real Grandmothers of Charlotte blogs, but as for my book writing, I just wasn't feeling it! But today I got back in the seat and started firing away again and it felt pretty good.

I started out by redesigning the book cover on my book "VIVID". It has been replaced with a view of the night sky with stars twinkling and it actually lends credence to the book. After all, the stars factor in to a great degree in the story and lends itself to the premise, so this is a much more appealing cover for the book. You just have to check it out at And there is an additional price reduction there on the book also!

Since I have gotten over my temporary funk about writing, I should be able to meet my deadline for completion by November 1, 2012 on the next book. This one is going to be great folks. I have put a lot of care and effort into making this book a fantastic read. I am expecting big things to come of this!

Look for more news on this upcoming project as I continue to make progress!

Thanks for stopping by.