Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Naked Truth About SEO

I'm very sure that thousands of bloggers who blog on a regular basis are familiar with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which is taunted as being one of the most critical aspects of successful blogging. Bloggers are probably just as familiar with the gurus out there whose personal businesses are designed to educate the public on the "how-to's", "wherefores" and "end results" of do-it-yourself marketing.

Whether we blog for profit in our private business, for pleasure, or as an employee of a company whose assignment is to post daily blogs about certain products, advances in the world of e-commerce, or keeping a column in a newspaper or online magazine; the hard fact is that these gurus proclaim that without a sterling way to promote your work, get it out there in cyberspace (which is the place to be nowadays since the days of hard copy articles are getting shorter) and draw in hundreds of readers a day you won't get the attention you deserve. No difference on how well written and knowledgeable your work is, or how extensive your subject matter is.

Have you ever came across a non-business blog; one written for entertainment or general information and gawked at the high number of visitor traffic that comes to the site? And...what is even more extraordinary is the keyword list. I have actually read blog posts randomly by bloggers I am not familiar with, on subjects that I have no knowledge of and been blown away at the fact that there are hundreds of visitors per day, and most of the posts had a maximum number of six keywords. Six single keywords that signaled the search engines to direct traffic to this site.

How did the blogger accomplish this? Is it really as simple as choosing the right tags? Or, are there factors hidden from the naked eye that deceive us into buying into the seeming simplicity of it all? Not every blogger will reveal their secrets to success. There are several ways that this high volume could have been generated. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

  1. Hiring the services of a professional marketer. They usually charge high fees by the hour, supposedly to get maximum exposure for your blog through the use of a multistage program they have designed. They tell you to post often (several times a week is great) and to attract readers by the use of giveaway incentives. You'll hear lots about inbound/outbound marketing, backlinks and the importance thereof. They also recommend conducting surveys and polls on your site, and to incorporate the use of keyword tools when writing your posts. Google offers up a free trial period of a keyword search site that is available for a limited time. It gives plenty of examples of keyword variety that is better suited for the search engines, and are most likely to turn up in a search.
  2.  Professionally designed templates have "built-in optimizers" that are designed to give your blog higher SEO rankings. This means that you only get this benefit if you purchase a professional template. Don't expect such illustrious results from the freebies.
  3.  Also, there are supposed to be "SEO Friendly" web images for purchase at different sites available on the internet. Like the templates, these images are designed to increase viewer traffic. What I found out was that I had to use a "plug-in" to use these images, and that WordPress says they don't allow plug-ins to be used on their sites.
  4. I've run across some websites that will sell links and provide traffic to your site for a fee.
  5. Lastly there's Google Analytic that help to boost site traffic if your blog is about your business. Lots of impressive report generators and terminology to learn about, but phenomenal results are hawked.
And I don't have any evidence to support this, but I've been wondering if what precedes the ".com" part of your URL has any effect at all on any one of the above. What I'm saying is, are personal domains subject to better rankings, more traffic and higher reader volume that those that are not? Soon I will do some research to address this idle thought, and I will share my results with you.

We shall see.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Dear God, Why am I Needy?

This post is being written from the perspective of the central character in my book. She is writing a letter to God. These are her thoughts and what she would say if she were writing this post. If you are moved by these words, read more about her and her story in the book "Not Easily Forgotten" on sale now online in the Create Space e-store.

Dear God,
You know that Christmas is my Daddy's favorite time of the year. He really loves this holiday so  much. He always takes me and my little brother out to the woods behind our house to cut down a beautiful cedar tree. Then we help him carry it back down the hill and Daddy puts the tree in the big metal Christmas tree stand so it will stand up straight. Daddy laughs a lot when he is cutting down the tree and he talks about the decorating he is excited to do. Our whole house is decorated with colored lights that twinkle on and off. Daddy puts lights on the front porch rails, on the bushes in the front yard and around the front door.

The tree is always decorated with red and gold ornaments and colored lights. My brother and me get to throw the silver tinsel on the tree after Daddy finishes the decorations. Momma always sits back and watches us, sometimes she hands Daddy stuff, but mostly she watches.

Then, Momma will slowly start to put presents under the tree after she wraps them. She always wraps them so pretty. They have different colors of wrap and she always ties big pretty bows on the gifts. And of course on Christmas morning, Santa has left toys under the tree for my brother and me. Santa always eats his ham sandwich and pound cake Momma fixes for us to leave for him. We leave the snack in the living room on the coffee table.

But this Christmas my Daddy won't be here. He is in jail. Momma says there won't be much for us under the tree. She can't have enough money to buy us a lot of presents, and to pay for Santa. It's okay. All I really want for Christmas is my Daddy to come home.

Last night some white men came to our house. They looked at our house funny. They acted like they didn't want touch nothing, and that made my Momma feel bad. They brought a few toys for me and my brother. They said they brought them from the Needy Children Fund what buys toys for children who are needy at Christmas.

The toys looked funny. They won't wrapped in pretty paper or nothing. It was four little boxes. Two boxes with pink labels said "Girl child " and two blue labels said "Boy child". Dear God, I know I'm a girl, and I know Stevie is a boy. But what I didn't know is that we was needy. Dear God, I miss my Daddy. Please send him home in time for Christmas.

Your friend,
Deana Williams

Monday, September 2, 2013

Virtual Book Launch Party!

 Welcome to the official book launch party for my new book, "Not Easily Forgotten". I've always        been a bit of a maverick, and I could say that is the reason why the launch is coming after the book is on sale, but the truth is; I simply forgot to pull my launch together in time. Forgive me! Either way, its here now, so come on in, mingle and look around. Eat your fill of the tasty treats we're offering and wash it all down with some bubbly and some wine. We hope that you like the pink balloons.'ve got to try these grilled shrimp on a skewer! Delicious. While you're mingling allow me to remind you to become an email subscriber. This is the only way you can be eligible to receive a free party favor. Ten favors will be given out at the beginning of October. Guests will be notified via the email address they register with. Just click on the button to the right of this page to sign up. That's all there is to it. And the really good part is that you may unsubscribe at any time. No pressures, and your email privacy will be respected. 
 Assorted nuts are always good at a party. The pecans are glazed and the mix of salty and sweet is fabulous!
By now you're probably quite thirsty! Have a glass of perfectly chilled champagne or a wonderful glass of red wine.
Isn't it fabulous when the bubbles tickle your nose? I absolutely love that! Now that you've had a glass or two, I'd like to tell you something about my book. Here is a brief description of the premise, and why I'm so excited.

A young girl faces a very rude awakening into the real world outside of her cozy family nest when she wakes up one morning to discover her beloved Father has suddenly disappeared. Right away, there are no answers, or explanations. Her Mother is heartbroken and sick with worry and has no clue what to do next. A few days later, the truth begins to take shape for the family. A heartwarming, and emotional story about how this young girl faced the consequences of the truth, and how God's love and his mercy kept their family from being torn apart. 

 In my case, "Not Easily Forgotten" works double duty. First of all, it represents the fact that what happened to our family as it is told in the story was indeed hard to forget and to move past. The stigma remained with us for years.The second represents the essence of the man involved in the Father. It was only years later after I had grown into an adult, that I was able to fully appreciate what he had gone through, but most importantly; the circumstances that set in motion what happened.
It is a story about healing, forgiveness, strong faith and unwavering love.

Just go online and make your purchase. You can click on this link, and it will speed you there in a blink!!

Here is a little something about me (the author). Wow...I'm an author!

Wiladene N. Keen is a dedicated believer in the power of imagination. Her own has served as fodder for two blog websites, two children's books, a plethora of short stories and articles. She writes her articles for her own column on '', takes part in submitting answers to a variety of questions on '', and has written a pilot script for reality television. Her current project includes writing her next book to be released Spring 2014, and a new website dedicated to blogging about her favorite places in Charlotte, NC.

Oh look, we've just put out these scrumptious canapes, and you must try them!

And please; before you go, please take an extra moment to sign our guestbook. Your visit was valuable to us and we'd love to know who stopped by. Click on the guestbook icon at the top right side of this page, and you'll find yourself ready to sign!

Looks like we've covered everything. Thank you for being our guests and hopefully you had a good time!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Chinks in My Armor

I have grown up a lot in the past few years. But before I tell you how, let me say that growth wears different hats in life and it is not only just measured in chronological order, (age determinate), but also in terms of progress, success, achievements and personal bests. I am happy to say that my growth has included all four metrics in varying degrees, and that it did not just happen by nature. As it is in our age progression, we should naturally grow in wisdom and understanding.

Sometimes it was mostly an uphill struggle because I was trying to do it all on my own. There were lots of times when I was ready to give up, throw in the towel, concede defeat, but I didn’t. I persevered and as I continued to do so, I had no idea that although I was metaphorically speaking on a battlefield, I was in fact growing even in the middle of my fight, and even because of it.

Before I learned to pray, I had to learn two very important lessons; what prayer was and how it worked into my life and how to do it effectively. What I actually had to learn about spirituality and how God would work in my life was how to listen for his voice. I was clueless as to how I needed to “fix my life” and as so many of us have done, I finally tried seeking God’s help when nothing else would work. It was the best decision I had made in a very long time, one I would never regret and one that would continue to reward me for the rest of my life as long as I stayed close by his side.

You must understand that although I was raised to attend church dutifully and to pray, I was not taught anything about a relationship with God, and that prayer is a two-way conversation that means listening for as well as talking to God. I had no idea at all that Satan (the enemy) is very real and that his job is to keep opposition, negativity, self-reproach, doubts and worry front and center in our lives, and that it is a daily; sometimes hourly fight against him and his demon friends to keep him in his place.

Knowing that God loves me unconditionally, that even if I don’t see things happening right away, and that he is definitely working in my favor has become one of the most enlightening revelations in my life. I wasted so very many of my younger years trying to solve my problems, bear all my burdens, alone. To me prayer was limited to “The Lord’s Prayer” and if I did pray my own prayers they were almost always selfish ones and I was totally ignorant of the fact that I was asking him to do things and give me things that he was absolutely no part of.

Now I know when to pray to the Father, and when to pray to God; always with thanksgiving and bringing my supplications to him “in Jesus name”. In other words, I have learned how to pray effectually and with patience and that prayers do not have to be a long drawn out speech but a simple and honest conversation from the heart. God just wants to know that we love him and his son Jesus, and that we have given him our hearts and our willingness to listen and obey.

I used to be a “judgmental extremist” meaning that I judged everyone and anyone by my standards. I was manipulative, full of strife, argumentative, selfish and miserable. I was lonely and often felt left out because others got tired of my extremist personality and obnoxious ways, so often I felt secluded, but to my way of thinking they were the ones who were wrong, not me. What surprised me the most on my journey of self-discovery was that I was compensating with attitude for things lacking in my life, and the important things were lacking in my life because I had no self-control.

Learning that stability and self-control are major factors in having real peace and victory in my life was a startling revelation. Coming into knowledge of the truth about who I am, and how life can be lived with joy and happiness regardless of my circumstances has been wonderful. I have begun the learning process that teaches me that I don’t have to say everything that I think, especially if it will be something hurtful, sarcastic or will cause a rift in a relationship.

I am making progress in controlling my thoughts. And I am grateful for the roller coaster ride because it has shown me how fabulous it can be when the ride slows and steadies itself.
With a humble and a grateful heart, I am who I am, and that person is pretty special!

This article can also be read under the 'My Portfolio of Short Stories' section tab of the navigation bar at the top of the Home page.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

What Will Happen to Me?

In 2010, a research study on the number of children in the United States with a parent behind bars was alarmingly high. According to the source I used as reference for this article, one in twenty-eight (1/28) kids in America has a parent in prison. This translates to 2.7 million kids or more than one in one-hundred (1/100) parents are incarcerated.
The children become victims themselves over time because of the stress they deal with in having a parent behind bars. Among the disabilities that plague them is how their schoolwork and attendance is affected. This is probably the worst non-physical stigma that they face. They become disillusioned, saddened, belligerent, socially disconnected and that's just naming a few of the maladies they face. It's a given that these attitudes will severely compromise their attention and desire to excel in school. Compared to the overall population that comprises these 2.7 million children, twenty-three percent (23%) are expelled in comparison to the number of expelled student for other reasons. A further breakdown shows that African American students make up one in nine, Hispanics make up one in twenty-eight, while Caucasian students account for one in fifty-seven.

Long term effects that jeopardize the welfare and productivity of these children are a lack of emotional bonding, poor peer relationships, anti-social behavior, low self-esteem, diminished cognitive abilities, anxiety and withdrawal. Of course, not absolutely every child will demonstrate such dramatic symptoms or behavior. Some of the children who live with the knowledge that they have a Mother or Father in prison use that fact to make sure they don't follow in their footsteps. They are focused on making sure they don't fall victim to a pre-determinate behavioral pattern. In other words; they want to do better.

Most children who fall into the category of statistical figures mentioned earlier ask the question "what is going to happen to me" now that Momma or Daddy has to go away for three-five years. Was it something that I did? Another heartbreaking question. Those three-five years can make a world of difference in the life of a five-nine year old child. These are after all, critical development times, where some life-long attitudes are developed and nurtured.

Logically speaking, first of all, the children who are involved need to be made to feel that they are not to blame. They need assurance that they will be taken care of, that they will be loved and that they will be encouraged to excel in their school work, to make friends and learn to trust others.
They will need to understand how the justice system and the correctional systems work; that if you commit a crime you must be punished. An attitude of self-righteousness will only prove to harm the child in the end. He/she must come to terms with what happened with a parent, and although it is not necessary to delve too deep into the ramifications of committing a crime, enough should be said in terms they will understand and relate to. Doing this can ward off any adverse psychological damage that could result if the situation is not properly diffused.

Post-incarceration is just as important for the children of parents upon their re-entry into society as it is for the inmate. Interventions and highly visible support is tantamount here. The focus and the significance go back once more to the best avenue for maximum effectiveness...the family unit.

This happened to me when I was nine-years old. My Father went to prison. Read my personal story in my newly released book, ready for purchase now in the Create Space e-store. Please follow this link to buy your copy. You'll really enjoy this book, and its only $5.99!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Coming Attractions

Wonderful things have been happening in my literary world! The 'book' as it has been referred to so many times is just about ready for its launch! And this is the place to find out all about it! In addition, there are two children's' books ready for publication as well. All three books; "Not Easily Forgotten (my novella), "Bernie and The Enchanted Forest" (children's book) and "School Days in Tuckersville" (children's book) are all three ready for the printers.

But...that's not all. There is a bigger project underway and it will all be announced in about five-seven days from now. I will post the details RIGHT HERE and share with you about what's going on. I will tell you this much right away; it's exciting and it has the potential to be BIG!!

I am walking in the favor of God, I am following my dreams and I am hoping and believing in the success and the prosperity of that dream.

Thanks to all of you for coming along for the ride, and for being a fan of this blog!



Monday, July 1, 2013

Sample Chapter From My New Book

Hello Readers!

The book is in the rewrite stage, preparing for final editing! It's been a long journey (12 months) but I am very proud of the work. I thank God for bringing me on this journey, and for all He has done for me; not just in my creativeness...but in all aspects of my life. He is awesome! Read on to enjoy a sample chapter from the book. I will be posting at least two more "teaser chapters" as a preview. Above this post is a video that I have posted on YouTube as a book trailer. Simply click on the arrow to watch it.  Please watch, and if you are so inclined...leave a comment, or at least a 'thumbs up' for me!! You are welcome to comment as 'anonymous' if you're a bit bashful! Anyway; enjoy both the trailer and the sample chapter. Until next time...take care and happy reading. Remember to support an author and buy a book. 

I have heard other people say that the middle school years are the best years of a child’s young life.  I have even witnessed other people saying this and saying it with a blissful and almost reverential remembrance. Sure, it is a time of higher learning, and it is wrought with indecisiveness, self-consciousness and an overall sense of awkwardness, but it’s supposed to all be balanced out by the fun side right? The years when kids enjoyed stuff like football games, pep rallies, parades, bonfires and such. It can be described as “tantalizingly tumultuous”, or maybe a case of a “love-hate affair”. No matter how you describe it, it was not a fun time for me. At least, most of it was not. 

First of all, I had two very strong factors in my life that were against me. Number one and the most important was that I was fat. I was fatter than all of the kids in my class.  No, I was not huge, but to a ten year old girl whose closet friends were at the most a pre-teen size 10, and you are a ladies size 14 that can be a tragedy. And add to that tragedy the fact that your parents could not afford to give you a stylish and pretty young girl’s wardrobe, and then what you end up with is a real heart-breaker. 

I was riddled with self-consciousness. Number two, I got my period when I was only nine years old, and when I discovered the blood on my panties after a trip to the bathroom, I went to my Mother afraid and confused about what was going on. I thought that I had somehow been hurt. Her first reaction was to run to her room, shut the door and bawl her eyes out with exclamations of “Oh God; My baby! My baby!” over and over while her ‘baby’ was left standing in the hallway scared and bewildered.
This certainly did nothing to help my situation at all. I started to cry, my Mother was in the middle of a fine show of histrionics and my younger brother stood at the doorway of his room looking like he would burst into tears at any moment. All of us except Mrs. Duncan our house guest were about to come unglued.

Mrs. Duncan was the woman who was temporarily renting a room from us at the time who actually took me aside and tried to calmly explain to me that I had started to “menstruate” or get my period and that it was a natural process and I was not hurt nor was I dying. She assured me that the same thing would eventually happen to all of my friends too.
Mrs. Duncan took me into her room, removed some items from a dresser drawer and laid them out on the bed. She talked to me about how these were a few of the necessities I would need now and for the foreseeable part of my future. She showed me how to use a sanitary belt and to attach the sanitary pad to it. 

Afterwards, she spoke to my Mother and firmly told her that her hysterics were not of any good to me, and in no uncertain terms she needed to get it together and get out there and be a Mother to me. When Momma came to my room and sat down on my bed to give me the “talk” which included her version of the “coming of age” story, she was indeed a far sight more calm than she had been. Although her voice still slightly trembled, there was no more weeping and wailing. I didn’t receive the full birds and bees education at that time, but she emphasized in no uncertain terms that boys were absolutely NOT to come near me while I was ‘on my period’.

The next day, Momma prepared a special bag for me to take to school. In this brown paper bag (same as the one I packed my lunch in) she placed an extra sanitary belt, a washcloth and about six sanitary pads; called Kotex back then. There were no choices of sanitary pads then. There was Kotex and that was it. There was nothing available on the market with wings or adhesive strips. The ultra-slim fitting barely noticeable and comfortable little pads of today had not even been dreamed about.

Kotex was bulky, thick and each one felt as if an intruder was in my underwear next to my body. They made me feel clumsy and extremely shy when I had to wear one and to say nothing of the embarrassment I felt at presenting my fifth grade teacher with my bag each morning for safekeeping. My Mother had asked her to look after me and to send me to the bathroom to change my pad often enough to keep me clean. 

For three to five days each month, my humiliation at being subject to this curse was complete. While the other girls giggled and went about happy and carefree, I concentrated on the fact that I was wearing a thick, uncomfortable and twisted piece of cotton inside my ladies panties. I couldn’t even wear my frilly nylon regulars, because my mother told me that they were not “fit” to protect me during my cycle. So, she bought me several pairs of the heavy-duty cotton kind in plain colors. No lace, no patterns, no thin prettiness.

I would think back on these days later on in my life during the times when I’d be hard put to understand some things about myself. And after intensive retrospect...the pieces would fall into place. The early onset of menstruation, the unfortunate disappearance (and subsequent explanation for) of my Father would then be recognized as building blocks for the many chinks I’d find in my armor.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Blogs, Short Stories, and Podcasts...Oh My!!

Hello fellow bookworms, authors...and perhaps the curious too!! I hope that everyone enjoyed a safe, fun and interesting Memorial Day weekend. I certainly did; I was on a family vacation before the holiday in Myrtle Beach guessed it! A beach Bum, and it was thoroughly relaxing.

I did get quite a bit of work done on vacation, but I only worked for a couple hours in the mornings. The rest of the days were spent enjoying family poolside, walking on the beach with my grandchildren, and sitting back sipping some delicious cocktails in the evenings.

On to more news...I experimented with creating my first Podcast. But I didn't start this project until today; after getting home last night from vacation. It's a very rough draft, but I intend to keep plugging away at it!

So, you see there are two very exciting projects to look for from me very soon. But in the meantime, if you go to this website, there you can find one of my posts published under guest essays. It's a great article, so please visit this website. 
And its not just about my essay either. This is a wonderful site run by a great blogger!

I continue to publish short stories in my column on also. It's all about exposure!! The more exposure I can get as a guest blogger, or a short story columnist, the more my name will be recognized!

So I continue to work...and dream...dream...and work. It's all going to pay off if I just keep trying. And that I will do.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Hot off the Press

Welcome Back! Since my last post, I have started on yet another new venture! I am very happy to say that now I am being published for royalties on a place called "" Be sure to visit me on this site and read my column. Some of you probably have heard of this site before. It is a fabulous forum for publishing short stories, and I can write as many as I please. I have already published three (3) short stories and the comments have started rolling in. The number of page views (my stats) is also growing. It is so exciting.

Next...I want to tell you about my other news. My request to write a 'guest blog post' from one of the bloggers that I follow has been accepted. My post will be published on her site very soon...she assures me, and when it hits her blog; I will include the link to her site on this site! Yes, my friends...things are definitely moving along; slowly but surely.

A favorite spiritual mentor of mine (and a lot of yours too I'm sure)...Joyce Meyer has said many times before and I quote "Don't despise the day of small beginnings". And I don't. I trust that God has a perfect plan for me, and that I will walk right into it on purpose when I'm supposed to. Right now, I am exactly where he wants me to be, and his timing is perfect!

Thank each of you who take the time to read my posts for being there. I may not see you, or know who you are, but you are important to me. Each and every page view is important to me, and is deeply appreciated.

Your comments are welcome at any time!

Until we meet again...take care and remember to buy and read a a writer!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Writing With a Purpose

Hide e Ho!! And finally it seems as if spring has truly sprung here in the Queen City! Things are definitely coming up roses; lots of bright blue skies and sunshine. The rain has washed away the pollen and left behind a clean and clear atmosphere. The beautiful flowers are in bloom, and it's all just so nice.

Anyway, since my last post I have been very busy! I am composing fresh and new articles for submission to several online journals, as well as putting a new spin on some old ones for the same purpose. This will get my foot in the door as a freelance writer, and I will be paid for those articles that get accepted for publication. Isn't that wonderful? Just imagine...soon I will be a presence in the online world of journalism!!

Plus, I have started on the preliminary work for a new book (in addition to the one I'm already working on), but this is something entirely different. First off, it will be a much shorter book...probably no more than ten chapters. And it is my very first attempt at writing spiritual and inspirational work.

It should not be a problem though; I have so very much to be grateful to God for, and I have gained quite a bit of knowledge and wisdom over the past year...all coming to be as blessings, grace and mercy from my Heavenly Father. So, it is no reach for me to be able to put into words how much I love him, and how much he loves me and the revelations he has given me.

What is my purpose for writing this? To share with others my experiences; both good and not so I can be an encouragement and a witness for God that he might receive the glory! Simple!
I am very excited (as I usually am) about this new project. It is a welcome break from my current projects, and everyone knows that it helps to be versatile, right?

So now you have a new and exciting book to look forward to in the near future, and I am glad to oblige you in your anticipations. Here is an sample of what the book will be about. But...the title is tentative, so for now its just "the book".

Take a look.

Recently, I learned three very important things about the word witness. The New Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines the word ‘witness’ as both a noun and a verb, and we all understand that many words can have both connotations,  and we understand the difference. I will list a few of the descriptions found for the word when described in both vernaculars.  As a noun, witness is defined as one who has personal knowledge of something or one who can testify as to a cause (gives evidence). As an action word (or verb) it is defined as one who can furnish proof of something.

Next, let’s look at the word ‘program’. Once again, the dictionary supplies us with meanings and once again this word is interchangeable as a noun and a verb.  We can safely say that a program is an outline for a plan, a specific curriculum or an agenda. Using the word program as a verb we can say that it means to process or to apply a platform or database.  All of this is quite interesting, but now it’s time to pull it all together and look at the personal side of the title and what it means to me.
I recently learned a lot about the meaning of the word witness and how important a role it plays into my new life. 

During a special event that took place at my church, I learned what it truly meant to be a witness for the Lord, how crucial a part of my spiritual life it was, and how as a believer and a disciple of Christ, it was required. I had heard my own Mother speak about “witnessing for Christ”, but I never questioned her as to what she meant. Truth is, I didn’t really care. The not really caring part of me coupled with the lackadaisical attitude of thinking it didn’t matter dominated most of my adult life as a ‘so-called’ believer. The word ‘disciple’ never entered into my mind much less my vocabulary outside of referencing Jesus' apostles. 
When our eyes are open wide, our ears are tuned to hear and our hearts are ready to receive, that’s when the fullness of Him and all that He is can be given over to us. We can be transformed in the twinkling of an eye from our old self into a brand new self. He is ready and willing to accept us into His Witness Protection Program with open arms. All we have to do is take the first step, and He’ll take two. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and walking by faith and not by sight …walking by His grace and our lives will never be the same.

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Next Steps...

Today I received my manuscript for the new book back from one of my three BETA readers. I have started going over it to review the changes/revisions/corrections that have been suggested. This is very exciting!

I still have two more readers that have not checked in yet. It will be quite interesting to see how much in common the feedback will be between them. I believe I made good choices when selecting my readers and they are all people who will definitely have a handle on doing this type of thing.

This weekend, I will be putting together a simple spreadsheet to be used as a tracking tool for detailing the similarity in the reviews. When I have entered all of the data from each reader, I can use a formula to assist in the final edits in preparation for the copy editor.

Yes this is a lot of work! But it is a labor of love, for one day soon I will see my masterpiece in print and for sale!

Stay tuned for the next update.



Wednesday, March 20, 2013

And the Beat Goes On...

Well, I am so excited! My manuscript has been placed in the capable hands of three new BETA readers, and I can't wait to hear back from them! No matter what the results turn out to be, I know that the book will be better off for having had them read it. And what's more; I'm anxious to see what common ground will be discovered in their comments and feedback.

In the meantime, I'm setting a goal for myself to finish Chapters Fourteen and Fifteen while I am on spring break from work. I've decided on two personal days for myself for pampering, relaxation and fun...three days to spring clean the house and the last three to write. It's all about balance!

Of course I will still be posting on The Real Grandmothers' of Charlotte blog simultaneously. I certainly plan on being a busy little bee! I just know that wonderful things are going to come about from this book. I am thinking and speaking absolutely positive thoughts and nothing else. I claim success, prosperity and  abundance over this book and the efforts that are going into its completion.

I have asked God to bless my hands, my imagination and my intellect as I put my best effort into my work.

Pretty soon I'll be announcing the launch, so stay tuned; don't miss a minute!



Friday, February 22, 2013

The Next Hottest Thing...

In addition to working steadily on the new book, and keeping The Real Grandmothers Blog exciting and fresh, I am in the developmental stages of a new in-print magazine! I am considering taking the stories from True Confessions online magazine and editing them for hard copy print.

There are several important factors to consider. First of all, there is the content of the stories from the True Confessions blog. There is nothing vulgar or profane there, but the stories are provocative and definitely will lead the imagination to hot conclusions. So, the first issue to work through is how I will feel about having this magazine with my name on it in print. Most likely, more folks will read it in print than have online. According to the site stats, True Confessions is pretty doggone popular and I am very happy about that.

Next, there is the marketing to consider. "Where' and "How" are the two hot topics for that! I am just eager to get my writing out there to the public, because I really love to write. I absolutely love using my imagination and creativity to spin a story and to engage the reader's mind and imagination. So right now I am considering all of my options to get that done.

Anyway, right here is the place to follow my progress and to sneak a peek at my R&D stuff, because this is my "HUB" where I reach out to my readers and share all of my ideas.

Thank you for being a fan of The Bookmark Hub.

My Best to You,


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Preliminary Book Promotion

Hello Readers!!

Well, it has been awhile since I have posted here, and I am so remiss about that. But, I'm back now, and here to give you some exciting updates. First off,my blog "The Real Grandmothers of Charlotte" are back with new intrigue and drama. Things are happening with them; some very good things and some definitely NOT so good things. You simply MUST visit them and see what they are up to. The fabulous friends are still at and at The content is exactly the same, just on two different sites. you are up to date on the blogs. Stay tuned for more details!

All My Best,
